Zen Meditation & Compassion 4 week Course

Zen Meditation & Compassion 4 week Course


This is a wonderful four week course, held every Saturday morning at 10am for four consecutive weeks at Tonbridge Castle, Kent.

You do not need to be a Buddhist, but it is preferable if you have some previous Zen meditation experience to benefit from this course.  It’s also a very beneficial course for any students who have previously attended Elizabeth’s eight week Zen Meditation and Mindfulness for Health and Wellbeing Course. These compassion and loving kindness practices will help support and deepen your regular zazen practice.

Mindfulness can help us to deal with our issues and penetrate right to the source of our suffering to find a truer basis for living. But a huge number of people find this work difficult because of the weight of negative thoughts feelings and experiences they are carrying. To counter this, the Zen tradition shows there is a deep value in establishing a positive basis within our being.

During this four week course you will be taught the four profound and simple meditation practices known within Zen as the four boundless meditations, taught by the Japanese Zen master Torei.

The four boundless meditations are loving kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity. These practices counter unkindness, jealousy, callousness, hatred, agitation and other states which if unchecked can be extraordinarily harmful to body and mind as well as poisoning our relationships with ourselves, others and the world. In turn they increase our levels of compassion towards ourselves and all sentient beings, loving kindness and empathy.

Zen master Torei took this ancient system of practice, taught it extensively to his students and wrote voluminous and detailed commentaries on the work. Yet his efforts remain little known in the western world.

Elizabeth herself has found these practices deeply effective and nourishing in her daily life and in supporting deepening her own spiritual and mindfulness journey.

The course cost is £145 but if you book before May 31st 2023 the booking fee is £120

If purchasing a course, all of the course details will be emailed to you nearer the course start date. If you have any questions in the meantime, please email Elizabeth at info@elizabethcaroline.co.uk.

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